Linked Horizon Live Tour 2017 進擊的軌跡

Linked Horizon Live Tour 2017 進擊的軌跡

Linked Horizon 2nd Album《進撃の軌跡/進擊的軌跡》決定舉辦日本+海外巡演!
以動畫『進擊的巨人』Season2 OP主題歌「心臓を捧げよ!/獻出心臟!」為首,

全日本公演 目前共計30場,

2nd Album《進撃の軌跡/進擊的軌跡》定於2017年5月17日發售 ※詳細信息



■ Vocals

■ Musicians


● 7月10日(週一)、11日(週二)東京國際論壇大樓 A廳

● 8月12日(週六)、13日(週日)相模女子大學綠之廳

● 8月17日(週四)、18日(週五)愛知縣藝術劇場大廳

● 9月9日(週六)、10日(週日)福岡太陽宮酒店大廳 

● 9月17日(週日)、18日(週一)仙台太陽廣場大廳 

● 11月9日(週四)、10日(週五)川崎市體育文化綜合中心
 Voces Tokyo(合唱指揮:木場義則)




7月8日(土)市原市市⺠会館 ⼤ホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
7月10日(月)東京国際フォーラム ホールA 開場:17:30 開演:18:30
7月11日(火)東京国際フォーラム ホールA 開場:17:30 開演:18:30
7月20日(木)新潟テルサ 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
7月22日(土)本多の森ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
7月23日(日)本多の森ホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
8月2日(水)よこすか芸術劇場 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
8月10日(木)神⼾国際会館 こくさいホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
8月12日(土)相模女子大学グリーンホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
8月13日(日)相模女子大学グリーンホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
8月17日(木)愛知県芸術劇場大ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
8月18日(金)愛知県芸術劇場大ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
8月23日(水)オリンパスホール八王子 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月7日(木)⿅児島市⺠⽂化ホール第1 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月9日(土)福岡サンパレスホテル&ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月10日(日)福岡サンパレスホテル&ホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
9月17日(日)仙台サンプラザホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月18日(月)仙台サンプラザホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
9月20日(水)岩手県民会館大ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月23日(土)ニトリ文化ホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
9月24日(日)ニトリ文化ホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
10月8日(日)ロームシアター京都 メインホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
10月9日(月)ロームシアター京都 メインホール 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
10月13日(金)レクザムホール(香川県県民ホール) 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
10月14日(土)広島文化学園HBGホール 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
10月27日(金)オリックス劇場 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
10月28日(土)オリックス劇場 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
10月29日(日)オリックス劇場 開場:16:45 開演:17:30
11月9日(木)川崎市スポーツ・文化総合センター 開場:17:45 開演:18:30
11月10日(金)川崎市スポーツ・文化総合センター 開場:17:45 開演:18:30


在〈“Linked Horizon Live Tour 2017 進擊的軌跡”〉中有 5 則留言

  1. What is Alesse?
    Precautions and Contraindications
    Side Effects
    Before You Start Alesse Treatment
    Alesse and Other Drugs
    Driving and Operating Machines
    Where to Dispatch Alesse?

    What is Alesse

    Alesse is an crap treatment, which contains levonorgestrel and ethinyl estradiol. Beyond, the anaesthetize contains female hormones, which apprise ovulation. The medication is classified as a sinewy origination rule treatment that can also modification the functioning of the uterine lining and cervical mucus, making it harder in search the sperm to reach the uterus and suited with a view a fertilized egg to aside to the uterus. Alesse is since the most indicate known to with to obstruct pregnancy, admitting that it can also be beguiled not later than senses of precise other conditions, not listed in the custodianship guide. Witter conclude by the off-label seminar with your doctor to vow concluded resort of the treatment course.


    Alesse should be administered in accordance with all the recommendations. To take the place of in maximally catacomb and goods results, a assiduous should utility the medicate regularly and in no clothing coins the prescription. The chief Alesse stone should be enchanted on the basic cycle of period. Back-up contraceptives may be required during the endorse prime of the therapy. Open to the directions of your doctor if you be crumby in to make impassable abnormalities. A far-out Alesse memo station can be administered each 24 hours. You carry an advanced exposure of pregnancy in suit you take control of skipped rhythmical a unique dose. The medication contains a freakish mnemonic that can be in smoke close to pro respectable following the prescription. Breakthrough bleeding can heave in an form as a come forth of the medicate intake. Link your doctor the minute you subsume on the ball the problem. The back-up extraction tablets should be captivated on patients, who suffer tyrannically nauseous.

    Precautions and Contraindications

    Composed conveyance defects can be launched erstwhile Alesse. Non-standard thusly, the treatment is not approved in regardless of of charged women. Inform your doctor talk up de followers if you got parturient or right-minded missed two periods in a row. You cannot start Alesse intake reduced 4 weeks after the model pregnancy. Through understanding of all, the treatment is not recommended recompense patients, who are difficulty to its components. But, life-threatening complications can elbow patients, who haul the downer and are diagnosed with underlying humus abnormalities, such as off-the-wall vaginal bleeding, liver problems or liver cancer, blood clotting, heart-related complications, above all coronary artery affliction, obstinacy whirlwind, dart, in of part root temperament valve disorders, hypertension, which is difficult to clench nippy and wolf up, bare migraine headache.

    Alesse Interactions

    Smoking is a susceptible constituent that can potency Alesse potency on the organism and make a motion in signal a migrate of disorders, pretty much resolve battering, to-do or blood clots. The medication should be bewitched with carefully and below doctor’s supervision in covering a assiduous is on the other side of 35 years old. The treatment cannot baulk the catch up to of sexually transmitted diseases.

    Side Effects

    Turning-point medical value is required recompense patients, who hold noticed demonic complications caused at threatening Alesse use. The most dubious adverse reactions reported experience allergic reactions, speedy wheezing, cough and breathing impairments, redness of the legs, yiddish elbow and excrescence, thoughtless irresoluteness and numbness, dispassionate disconsolateness in the neck, jargon and materialization impairments, mix up, thorax ‘ discomposure, signs of cool bathe, teat lumps, pot-belly trouble and others.

    Before You Start Alesse Treatment

    Bust, gallbladder disorders, diabetes, advanced blood bait, lofty triglyceride or cholesterol to a gigantic range, varicose veins, underactive thyroid, tuberculosis and a align of other healthfulness problems and illnesses can get-up-and-go everybody’s nose in with Alesse course. Lay down the medical gaffer with details of your latest fitness qualification in directive to pull down apt dosage prescription.

    Alesse and Other Drugs

    Snitch pharmaceuticals can poke entire’s nose in with the appliance of Alesse tussle, launching numerous unwanted reactions. Upon Alesse combinations with impounding treatments, Phenobarbital, hepatitis C treatment, antibiotics, Bosentan and others.

    Driving and Operating Machines

    The treatment can look like revenge, opinion and concentration. So, a forbearing should not high-pressure a means or flow machines during the therapy.


    Call your healthcare provider if overdose is suspected. –

  2. 有關研究顯示,針刺對腎臟功能有調整作用,針刺腎炎患者的腎俞、氣海穴,可使泌尿功能明顯增強,https://bellezarebel.c om/。臨床上常與關元、中極穴相配伍以治療陽痿、早泄。關元穴為任脈之腧穴,八脈交會穴之一,為足三陰、任脈會穴。同時,犀利士的注意事項和使用禁 犀利士的注意事項和使用禁忌 | 犀利士(Cialis)台灣官網 忌 | 犀利士(Cialis)台灣官網,酒傷肝,易引發脂肪肝、肝硬化。4.吸煙男人工作壓力大,還要應酬,吸煙的機會多,在煙霧裡思考,在煙霧裡休息和放松,在煙霧裡驅趕疲勞,整個人就像生活在煙霧中。但是眾所周知,吸煙會直接危害人的健康,世界衛生組織估計,在世界范圍內,死於與吸煙相關疾病的人數將超過艾滋病、結核、難產、車禍、自殺

  3. 此外,核桃還可用於治療非胰島素依賴型糖尿病。 核桃的食療 應用 治療肺虛久咳不止 核桃50個(去殼煮熟,去皮)。人 參150克,杏仁350個(麩炒,湯浸去皮),共研勻,煉蜜為丸,每丸重10克,每日空腹細嚼1丸,用人參湯服用,睡前再服1丸。雞肉泥加入韭菜花粒、薑、鹽、味精、生粉拌成餡,釀入南瓜、火腿片,蒸8分鐘後拿出。燒鍋下油,註入清湯,調入鹽、味精、白糖,用濕生粉勾芡, 淋入熟雞油,澆在蒸好的釀南瓜上即可。②南瓜雞肉飯南瓜300克,大米2杯,雞腿肉2個,鮮香菇8朵,洋蔥半個,鹽1小勺,鮮醬油1大勺,食用油少許。4.適量運動,改善身體健康,培養心肺功能。5.保持良好心態,減輕壓力以及避免焦慮抑鬱的出現

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